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The 4C


Buy a diamond

Tips For Diamonds


Diamond Facts

Types of cutting



Facts to remember


The largest Diamond ever found:
Cullinan at 3,106 carats.
What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
The Diamond.
80% of the world's diamonds are not suitable for Jewelry.
Is a Diamond Indestructible?
No. The fact that Diamonds are a hard substance refers to their ability to withstand scratching. But that is different than toughness, which refers to the ability to withstand breaking or cleavage.
How old are most diamonds which are found in nature?
1 billion to 3 billion years, by most accounts.
How do diamonds reach us?
They are formed deep within the Earth's crust, and come to the surface via Volcanoes. Most diamonds are found in Kimberlite, which is volcanic rock.
The Classic Cut: the vast majority of diamonds sold are rounds. The traditional choice for all occasions and preferred by many for their personal investment portfolio. The depth percentage should range between 58 to 63 percent and the table percentage should range between 55 to 64 percent. The most desired percentages are the 60 percent, and perfectionists will look for depth of 59 through 62 percent and table of 56 through 58 percent.

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