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The 4C


Buy a diamond

Tips For Diamonds


Diamond Facts

Types of cutting


Introduction to 4Cs

Before you start looking for a diamond, you want to have all of the necessary information thats available to you, afterall knowledge is power. With this guide you will understand the four Cs of a diamond - cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Then you can select your diamond based on the same criteria jewelers use to grade and evaluate them. After reading through this guide, you too will be ready with confidence to choose the diamond that's right for you.

Before explaining the four Cs, we'd like to introduce you to the grading report, or more commonly known as the Diamond Certificate. This certificate documents the attributes of a diamond, including the four Cs, as noted by a gemologist.

The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. The value tends to rise exponentially with carat weight, since larger diamonds are more rarer. The cut of a diamond has an absolute affect on its brilliance. Even if the diamond has perfect color and clarity, a poor cut can make a diamond look dull and muddy. Diamonds totally free from internal flaws, or inclusions, are extremely rare and very highly valued this is discussed in the Clarity section of the tutorials. As for color, this is also something worth considering, the whiter the diamond, the more rarer, therefore the stone increases in value. Clarity is graded based on the number of inclusions found in a diamond. So making a purchase you should read and review a copy of its certificate, as this is your guarantee of the quality and value of that diamond

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